Pallbearer: An Honor and a Privilege

Posted on August 2, 2023 by Serenity Funeral Home of Southern Utah under Death, Dying, Funerals, Pallbearer
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The term “pallbearer” comes from the Catholic faith.  A pall is a cloth that covers the casket during a funeral mass.  Regardless of whether the casket is modest or elaborate, the pall signifies that all are equal before God.

The pallbearers’ responsibility is to carry the casket when needed, such as in and out of the church and to the gravesite at the cemetery.  The pallbearer is a position of honor and is usually reserved for family and close friends.  Historically, pallbearers have been men, but this tradition is changing.  Many women now participate in this honor.  The term pallbearer is used interchangeably with the term “casket bearer,” which is more encompassing of all faiths.

Typically, six or eight pallbearers are chosen to carry the casket.  Families may choose to expand this role and select “honorary pallbearers” to include additional family and friends.  As its name implies, this is simply a position of honor, as they do not have the actual responsibility of carrying the casket.  

If you are selected to be a pallbearer and are unsure of your role, don’t worry.  Just prior to the funeral service, it is customary for the funeral director to gather the pallbearers together and provide detailed instructions.

Please contact us with any questions at (435) 986-2085.  Our mission at Serenity Funeral Home is to help you decide how to honor your life or the life of your loved one.  We have an experienced and caring staff and a beautiful, modern facility.  We offer modest pricing to ensure you don’t have to compromise on quality when honoring the life of your loved one.

We are located just off Riverside Dr. at 1316 S. 400 E., Ste. A5, St. George, UT.  Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @SerenityFuneralSTG.

Submitted by W. Russell Atkin, Owner/Licensed Funeral Director

Serenity Funeral Home of Southern Utah

Our mission at Serenity Funeral Home is to help you honor your life or the life of your loved one. We offer affordable pricing due to a simple philosophy – we keep overhead low so the savings can be passed on to the public. We never compromise on value or quality. We have an experienced and caring staff and a beautiful, modern facility.